Whaddup?! Welcome to Herbal Hannah, your new favorite personal care brand!
We’re a small team of scientists, bringing you a quality, natural product, that you can get behind. We are passionate about creating products that are simple, clean, and effective; products where you can read the label and recognize the ingredients.
That’s how we started after all: when I, Hannah, took matters into my own hands and began making products that would work for me and reduce the toxic load on my body. I have dry, sensitive skin, that is blemish prone, to top it all off. After years of dermatologist visits and trying just about every product on the shelf, I thought to myself, “what can I create at home, that doesn’t require a preservative, and that I couldn’t possibly mess up”? The answer to my question you ask? Simple: cold process bar soaps.
This passion of mine is what sparked my interest in becoming a Chemist, so that I would have the skills and the knowledge to formulate other, more complex products in the future. In Spring of 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, I graduated with my Bachelors of Science in Chemistry from University of Nevada, Las Vegas and went on to found Herbal Hannah.
As of 2022, it’s now been over 10 years that I’ve been making bar soaps *imitates mind blowing explosion sound* and I’ve never looked back.